[extropy-chat] Aw Nuts! Bush Wins...

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 19:30:32 UTC 2004

On Wed, 3 Nov 2004 11:05:47 -0800 (PST), Mike Lorrey wrote:
> I'm not saying you are wrong, but I think you wrongly assumed that Bush
> was the only power-hungry or the most power-hungry individual in the
> equation here.

The BBC website has a good analysis of why Bush won:

Selection of quotes from the article:-

Religion - rather than class, ethnic origin or education - has become
the key determinant of voting in the 2004 presidential race.
And moral issues were more important for voters than Iraq, the war on
terrorism, or the economy.
Not surprisingly, four out of five voters who cited moral values as
their key issue voted for President Bush - as did the same proportion
of those who cited terrorism.
In contrast, those most concerned about the economy voted four to one
for Senator Kerry.

What has divided voters in this election, however, are views on the
Iraq war, and on new moral issues like stem cell research and same-sex
Those against gay marriage, for example, voted strongly for Mr Bush,
as did those opposed to abortion.
And the electorate divided sharply over Iraq, with the 47%
disapproving of the decision to go to war strongly backing Senator

Two-thirds of voters who attend religious services regularly (once a
week or more) backed President Bush rather than Senator Kerry - and
they make up 40% of the electorate.
Those who never attend services, in contrast, backed the Democrats by
the same margin - but they make up only 15% of the electorate.
The ability of the Republican party to mobilise its religious base
could prove to be the decisive factor.

End quotes.


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