[extropy-chat] Aw Nuts! Bush Wins...

Brent Neal brentn at freeshell.org
Thu Nov 4 03:37:53 UTC 2004

 (11/3/04 13:31) Mike Lorrey <mlorrey at yahoo.com> wrote:

>I didn't, Amara did talking about how all of her academia friends are
>so anti-Bush. You try to trot out that your opinion and those of your
>friends is better because you are so well educated, you are declaring
>your own superiority and elitism. You distinguish yourself with your
>own statements. My giving your class a name you don't like isn't making
>class distinctions. You can't have your cake and eat it....

Hmm. Let's check the facts on your statement:

--- Amara Graps <amara at amara.com> wrote:
> I am so disappointed. How could Bush win the popular vote? I don't
> understand this; no one I spoke with here understands it either.
> Also,

 (11/3/04 15:21) Amara Graps <amara at amara.com> wrote:

>Perhaps it is true that they don't know many 'Republicans' (whatever
>that is). It's universally true that my friends and colleagues
>(worldwide) don't like the actions of Bush administration.

You know, it doesn't look like to me that Amara was referring solely to academics. Certainly, I believe she has friends outside of academia. Further if you check the time stamps on the message where you first referred to "chattering classes,"  it predates Amara's reference to "colleagues." 

Basically, you took a cheap shot at Amara via her comrades and in doing so started playing the class warfare game that the Republicans and Democrats have been playing for years.  That's rather amusing.  Its also amusing that you refer to "insular groups" so disparagingly when you proudly display membership in probably one of the most insular, chattering group in American politics: the Libertarian Party. :)

Brent Neal
Geek of all Trades

"Specialization is for insects" -- Robert A. Heinlein

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