[extropy-chat] Aw Nuts! Bush Wins...

Al Brooks kerry_prez at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 4 08:04:25 UTC 2004

Mike, let's look at Bush's anti-gay aspect. Bush knows
that those who oppose tobacco are picking on the
minority of smokers, yet he cannot admit the millions
trying to outlaw gay marriage (and succeeding) are
also picking on a minority-- gays. In the past gays
wanted affirmative action, the power to force firms to
hire them, plus other powers; today the situation is
You describe the situation from both sides and we'll
take it from there.

> >I didn't, Amara did talking about how all of her
> academia friends are
> >so anti-Bush. You try to trot out that your opinion
> and those of your
> >friends is better because you are so well educated,
> you are declaring
> >your own superiority and elitism. 
>>Mike Lorrey

Nixon for '08 - he's tanned rested and ready

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