[extropy-chat] No Joy in Mudville

Adrian Tymes wingcat at pacbell.net
Thu Nov 4 20:08:02 UTC 2004

Much of what you say makes sense, but...

--- "J. Andrew Rogers" <andrew at ceruleansystems.com>
> Given
> that the Democrats are very muddy on both economics
> and foreign policy,
> and many people don't believe the Feds (nor judges)
> should be involved
> in social policy, the choice is obvious for many
> people because the
> Democrats provide no credible alternative.  This
> includes a hell of a
> lot of pro-choice, non-religious, gay-friendly
> people that the Democrats
> foolishly claim as their own -- I know many, many
> Republicans throughout
> "Red States" that meet this description.

...explain the anti-gay-marriage proposals that passed
in several of these states, then.  (Unless these
people would prefer that "marriage", as a term, be
removed from government control, though civil unions
could be recognized.  But I heard that at least one of
the proposals specifically banned civil unions between
members of the same gender as well.)

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