[extropy-chat] Rephrase the "Marriage" question...

nsjacobus at yahoo.com nsjacobus at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 5 03:44:04 UTC 2004

True enough. However, still, this makes me think that since what we are 
really talking about is something far more general than the notion of 
marriage, shouldn't we, as Extropians, really be trying to abolish the 
specific-notion of "marriage" altogether ?

I mean, I can understand that gays want simply to have the same rights 
as heteros (and they should), but ultimately if the "traditional" 
notion of marriage is backwards (in a certain Extropian sense), 
shouldn't we be trying to go way further here?

Death To Marriage!

On Nov 4, 2004, at 10:25 PM, Al Brooks wrote:

Any sort of marriage anyone wants or doesn't want.
  Right now there's pressure for people to get
married-- and believe it or nor I accept this
opposition. But there are those of us who will pull
the tug o' war rope from the other direction. You know
what this country is about, how Americans change
things-- with utmost fuss & bother. There was a four
year war merely to abolish slavery. To grant women the
vote took how many decades?

>   If we (whoever) were to build a society from the
> bottom up (on the
> moon, in orbit, in the asteroid belt, under the
> ocean, etc), ie: from
> scratch, what sort of support/allowance, etc should
> such a society have
> (if any) for "Marriage"?
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