[extropy-chat] Extropian Scorecard

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 09:41:55 UTC 2004

On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 19:00:39 +1100, David wrote:
> Mike Lorrey wrote:
> > Ah, but its always the local banker who comes to take your house with
> > the sheriff when HE makes the mistake of screwing up his reserve ratio
> > and has to call in perfectly good loans. Sounds like a perfect time for
> > some piking.
> >
> If this was ever the case in Australia - that somebody was evicted by a bank
> calling in a loan that wasn't defaulted on - then there would be bankers
> heads on pikes.

Anybody noticed the collapse in the USdollar exchange rate this year?
And especially since Bush was re-elected.
Last year we got about 1.6 USD for a pound. Now we get about 1.85 USD.
If it continues (i.e. if the huge US deficit continues) we will all be
able to pop over to the US and buy everything for loose change.

Isn't economics wonderful?


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