[extropy-chat] Enlightenment and the election

Fred C. Moulton moulton at moulton.com
Wed Nov 10 23:51:09 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-11-10 at 11:14, Mike Lorrey wrote:
> While the liberal intelligentsia and media have been pompously trying
> to portray blue states as better educated and red states as more
> ignorantly benighted, even going so far as promoting a hoaxed up list
> of states by average IQ vs how they voted which alleges to show smart
> states as for Kerry and dumb states as for Bush, here is some real data
> which cannot be disputed: SAT Scores by State vs election results:
Lines of SAT scores deleted.  Before you make too much of the SAT scores
and the election results you first need to somehow show that the
individuals that generated the SAT scores voted in the election.  Or at
least describe why you think there is some relationship between SAT
scores which are in many cases generated by individuals under the voting
age and election results.


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