[extropy-chat] 'Unskilled jobs to go in 10 years'

Rik van Riel riel at surriel.com
Sat Nov 13 22:54:34 UTC 2004

On Thu, 11 Nov 2004, Damien Broderick wrote:

> Move to Mexico or India or Sri Lanka or Russia, etc. But that assumes
> you'd manage the culture-shock, language gap, and perhaps more
> importantly that the locals accept your presence, your wicked Western
> ways, your godlessness, the job you've filched from their own bright
> kid, etc. And perhaps the health services aren't too crash-hot.

While I haven't lived in a really poor country, I did spend
3 years in the middle-income Brazil.  The local culture was
not too hard, an interesting mix of european and japanese
culture, with way more tolerance than any european country
I know.

Health services in Brazil were definitely better than in
the US...

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