[extropy-chat] 'Unskilled jobs to go in 10 years'

Brian Lee brian_a_lee at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 11 16:58:45 UTC 2004

Outsourcing benefits the entire economy. Of course some neighbors will lose 
jobs, but on the whole everyone benefits from low cost goods and can buy 
more other stuff while some people lose jobs, transfer jobs, learn new 
stuff, whatever.


>From: Max M <maxm at mail.tele.dk>
>To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
>Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] 'Unskilled jobs to go in 10 years'
>Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 21:53:55 +0100
>Brian Lee wrote:
>>We get the benefit that the capital that would have gone to labor can now 
>>go to more useful things.
>Yes, I can buy stuff cheaper.
>>The money you save buying cheaper goods allows you to purchase more goods 
>>and services, etc etc.
>Not really. It's not only about me. My neighbour who lost his job, can buy 
>less stuff because of unemployment, and I can buy less stuff because my 
>union fee/unemployment insurance rises in price.
>>Jobs are really just displaced, not eliminated.
>I didn't mean that they are eliminated. They are made less valuable. Makin 
>stuff cheaper by using cheaper labor doesn't add wealth. Only increased 
>productivity, new technology and more efficient markets creates wealth.
>hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
>IT's Mad Science
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