[extropy-chat] Seth and other nonsense

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Mon Nov 15 05:20:26 UTC 2004

At 12:21 PM 11/15/2004 +0800, Walter Chen wrote of the alleged:

>spiritual insights of the channeled entity known as Seth

Walter, surely you must have realized by now that you're asking this 
question on the one list on the planet least likely to give you a 
sympathetic hearing and answer (well, aside from CSICOP, maybe). Most of us 
would start from the assumption that Seth and channeling are completely 
delusional bullshit, if not outright chicanery. Even if channeling is 
regarded as a source of metaphor, why retreat to such bogus sources when 
the world is filled with brilliant minds trying to understand reality with 
their eyes wide open?

Damien Broderick

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