[extropy-chat] No Joy in Mudville

Al Brooks kerry_prez at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 15 16:42:43 UTC 2004

You cannot buy porn just anywhere in California, like you can get cigarettes & beer at 7-11, because most Americans are prudes. You can buy all the beer you want and vomit on the sidewalk, but porn is considered indecent.

Zero Powers <zero.powers at gmail.com> wrote:Hmm. I can't speak for any other state, and not that I have any
*personal* experience in the area..., but X-rated stuff is perfectly
legal to sell buy and sell here in California. L.A.'s San Fernando
Valley is the porn capital of the world, and is chock full of "Adult"
video and book stores. Uh, or so I hear...

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