[extropy-chat] Warwick: Could future computer viruses infecth umans?

nsjacobus at yahoo.com nsjacobus at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 17 06:45:30 UTC 2004

True. Exactly how a piece of code in one system gets translated into 
another can be problematic especially when you're crossing domains like 
this. However, this kind of inter-system en-decoding is exactly what 
such an interface is for. The semantics and syntax of the translation 
would have to be built right into the interface.


On Nov 17, 2004, at 1:38 AM, Hara Ra wrote:

I am sure 'neurocybernetic' will do nicely.

As to whether a 'virus' can be made, be aware that most virii, physical 
or informational, depend on some kind of hack of the host's structure - 
whether the DNA replication system or the Hard Drive file system. If 
the details of these systems are not visible, hacking is extremely 
difficult. A good example is breaking cryptosystems vs codesystems. A 
cryptosystem is algorithmic, the world of same is comparatively small 
and regular (except one time pads). A code system is a mapping between 
words and phrases, and there are no regualar rules there. I recall a 
movie, wind talkers? about the Navajo language being used for secure 
messaging in the Pacific WWII. Not crackable cuz no Navajo speakers in 

This suggests, rather nastily, that each of us has a unique neural net, 
and detailed cross translation of experience is undoable. I can imagine 
growing up with a dynamic interface which converts Me.Neurosystem to 
Net.HolyHTTP and vice versa, but a true translation between 
Me.Neurosystem and You.Neurosystem is something I quaila at....

At 10:09 PM 11/16/2004, you wrote:
> --- nsjacobus at yahoo.com wrote:
> > What I was suggesting was a completely general
> > neuro-biological
> > interface that is capable of interacting in both
> > directions.
> "Neuro-biological" technically refers to the existing
> interface we already have, with no electronic (or
> similar) components.  (Sorry, but there are rules for
> combining terms like that, including that you list
> everything you're referring to.  Even if there
> weren't, "neurobiology" is a well established
> scientific field, and thus has prior claim to that
> term.)

=   Hara Ra (aka Gregory Yob)    =
=     harara at sbcglobal.net       =
=   Alcor North Cryomanagement   =
=   Alcor Advisor to Board       =
=       831 429 8637             =

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  A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, 
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Specialization is for insects.

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