[extropy-chat] now that's fuel efficiency

Al Brooks kerry_prez at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 18 23:50:18 UTC 2004

All true, Brian, but on the expressway, I'll drive
nothing but a large vehicle, preferably a truck. I
feel safer in a truck & drive more safely in it not
always being conscious of being in something that
feels like a tin can. If I have to think at all about
driving, and the vehicle itself, then it isn't

--- Brian Lee <brian_a_lee at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Mass and weight are only one factor in vehicle
> safety.
 Do you know that the safety ratings are partly
> formed by side and front 
> impact crash testing? It seems comical to ignore
> these tests just because 
> one vehicle is heavier than another. It's not like a
> bunch of eggheads think 
> up which is best, they smash them into stuff to
> figure out how the car 
> responds.

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