[extropy-chat] on Spike's big ass theory

Rik van Riel riel at surriel.com
Sat Nov 20 17:39:07 UTC 2004

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Spike wrote:

> Here the argument sounds a little circular, so
> please ponder before responding.  If large pecs and
> gluts helps the hunter hurl and run, then potential
> mates capable of logic might reason that the individual
> with these traits might be a superior choice for
> a mate.

There's no need for logic. The offspring of people
who chose their partner poorly have less survival
chance than the offspring of strong parents.

Occam's razor strikes again ;)

> Today we do not criticize one for choosing a
> mate with more earning potential.  If life were
> dependent upon hunting, so much the more advisable
> for choosing one with the wherewithal to hunt.

In fact, some of these selecting factors have been
so ingrained into our culture that many people
aren't consciously aware of them.


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