[extropy-chat] Scientists and engineers must work within the system

Giu1i0 Pri5c0 pgptag at gmail.com
Sun Nov 21 07:38:34 UTC 2004

CRNano blog: To make a difference you have to be in the system.  --
That's the message from George Atkinson, science and technology
advisor to the U.S. Secretary of State, in a keynote address at
NanoForum 2004, an annual conference sponsored by SEMI (Semiconductor
Equipment and Materials International).
Atkinson said scientists and engineers must become a part of 'the
system' if they are to wield political influence. "If the science and
technology community is unable or unwilling to effectively become more
engaged in the political process then I'm not so sure we're going to
enjoy the same level of success."
The level of success he refers to is the longstanding United States
lead in research, development, and deployment of new technologies.
Several speakers at the conference expressed concerns about losing
that edge.

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