[extropy-chat] Atheists launch inquisition...
Giu1i0 Pri5c0
pgptag at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 18:01:33 UTC 2004
Well Mike, strange as you may find it, we are in perfect agreement here.
In passing: I may have reached the top 8 messages per day, I promise to
shut up for the rest of the day.
I know that "atheistic talibans" can be, and have been, just as
intolerant and dangerous as "*any religion here* talibans". Under past
communist rule in Eastern European countries, people could go to jail
for admitting religious beliefs. I am against this as I am against any
form of intolerance against others' ideas. Please note also that I am
one of those who frequently react to atheist intolerance of others'
religious beliefs.
I also stand behind anybody who peacefully practices their faith
(including atheism).
My main point, which perhaps I have not expressed clearly enough, is
this: politics created strange bedfellows, and I have the impression
that you are now seeing christian *fundamentalists* as allies of
libertarians in US politics (a couple of weeks ago a guy posted a very
interesting explanation of how christian *fundamentalists* and
libertarians manage to peacefully coexist in the Republican party). And
I wish to warn you that, in my opinion, some of them, including some
very close to the political powers that be, do not limit themselves to
peacefully practicing their faith, but actively try to force their faith
upon everyone else. The fact that they are in power makes them
dangerous. Especially dangerous for Extropians when they try to shut
down all medical research which could lead to human enhancement.
Mike Lorrey wrote:
> --- Giu1i0 Pri5c0 <pgptag at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Banning an important historic document from schools on (atheist)
>>religious ground is very disturbing, as is banning scientific
>>on evolution from schools on (christian) religious ground. Rewriting
>>history, and rewriting science, are always first steps toward a
>>totalitarian Orwellian system. Let's hope both types of talibanism
>>are only temporary reactions to the overheated political climate.
>>Mike, I am puzzled by your more and more frequent defense of
>>religious nuts.
>>My analysis: you hate what you call "liberals" so much that you
>>prefer to side with the christian talibans on the basis of a
>>feeling that "the enemies of my enemy are my friends" (faulty
>>logic to say the least). You are proud that the christian talibans
>>have beaten the
>>liberals in the US, and now regard them as precious allies.
> As Europeans have been so frequently demonstrating in recent months and
> years: you are quite wrong.
> My posts have been an attempt to illuminate to the atheists here that
> their faith is as much a religion as the Christianity they so
> vehemently hate, the Judaism of those they are so willing to love or
> hate depending on whether they are in the US or in Israel, and the
> Islam they are so willing to coddle.
> Atheists are JUST as capable of persecution and tyranny in perpetrating
> and evangelizing their faith as anybody else
>>My friend: just wake up. These are the same people who used to
>>actually BURN people for exercising their right to free thought and
>>speech. These are the same people who burned Giordano Bruno, put
>>Galileo in jail, and held most of Europe in a totalitarian terror
>>regime for centuries. Just read history.
> I have, and I am putting up warning signs to you to say: you are just
> as capable of these acts as anybody, see, it is already beginning.
>>You call yourself a libertarian, but are ready to defend the
>>witch-hunters that history has proven to be the worst enemies if
>>personal freedom. You call yourself an extropian, but side with those
>>who want to ban all research on advanced medical technologies that
>>can make us better than today's humans. You proudly call yourself an
>>American, but please try to realize that your new taliban friends are
>>more and more against all that Jefferson and Paine stood for.
> Please try to realize that your hyperbole and histrionics of collective
> guilt against people due to their faith is the same road that led to
> Sobibor and the other death camps, and it is YOU Europeans who have the
> real guilt and experience in persecuting people because of their faith.
> I would have thought you'd have learned your lesson by now.
> As a libertarian I stand behind anybody who peacefully practices their
> faith (including atheism). As an extropian, I oppose any luddite,
> including the majority of them, who are atheists/gaiaists of the left
> who hate extropians at least as much as they hate christians.
> =====
> Mike Lorrey
> Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
> "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
> It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
> -William Pitt (1759-1806)
> Blog: http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=Sadomikeyism
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