[extropy-chat] Atheists launch inquisition...

Hara Ra harara at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 27 03:03:33 UTC 2004

Geez, the SA argument has the same deistic flaw, who or what made the 
Simulator? Another one? The BottomMost Turtle? I go with Occam - lack of 
evidence, will think further on topic upon presentation of same.

>Given the simulation argument, and what Stephen Hawking says about the
>sorts of things which are capable of coming out of black holes, I
>remain agnostic.
>Mike Lorrey

=   Hara Ra (aka Gregory Yob)    =
=     harara at sbcglobal.net       =
=   Alcor North Cryomanagement   =
=   Alcor Advisor to Board       =
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