[extropy-chat] Right to choose

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 7 13:58:43 UTC 2004

--- "Extropian Agroforestry Ventures Inc." <megao at sasktel.net> wrote:

> This snippet of chat from the extropian group touches on the focal
> point 
> , it's not CDSA or prescriptive
> access but ........   should any  third party have greater power or 
> exclusive rights  to dictate what a person should , will or cannot 
> consume  than that individual themselves.
> We are really discussing the rights we have given to the state to 
> override the rights of the individual.  

We have given powers to the state, which we may rescind. The state has
no rights in and of itself. A society may, from time to time, decide to
rescind some, or all powers it has delegated to its government. As with
the FAA announcement over space regulation I cited earlier, it is when
public officials believe they have rights *as officials* over people
that tyranny results and evolves out of patronizing attitudes.

The FAA has successfully destroyed the domestic civil aviation industry
here in the US. If we let them, they will do the same to the civil
space industry in its infancy. It is what they are good at. 

> It can be argued a sophisticated 21st century citizen should have
> full right to be protected against the state's mores when dealing
> with their own body. 

As I've argued, we need the equivalent of IP protection for the
particular genetic expression that is 'you'.

>The proviso here is that the individual must pay for such
> procedures, augnmentations (mechanical, chemical or otherwise) 
> themselves just as persons wishing cosmetic surgery must. Ownership
> over one's body is the issue.  Even an MD cannot self-prescribe. All
> one has to do is remove from law the medical privacy laws from
> medical choices made when citizens self-prescribe as opposed to the
> privacy laws when a third party authorized by the state prescribes
> and an new check and balance based on individual freedoms might
> result?

An alternative is to remove yourself from the regulatory regieme of the
federal government. If you use your expatriation rights under the
Expatriation Act of 1867 to rescind your contracts with the US
government (based in duress, fraud, incognizance, and
misrepresentation) and expat out of US citizenship, regaining full
state citizenship, as described in the 14th Amendment, then you only
have to worry about your own state's medical regulations.

> I think Society/State has come to assume that socialist protections 
> allow borgian assimilation and have not contemplated that
> just the opposite, an empowerment of individuality might result.

On the contrary, socialist protections are guaranteed to result in
borgian futures, for the simple reason is that you are setting the fox
to guarding the henhouse.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
                                      -William Pitt (1759-1806) 
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