[extropy-chat] if Hillary had killed a boyfriend...

Trend Ologist trendologist at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Oct 12 06:03:11 UTC 2004

Okay, well if some really bad dirt is dug up on Kerry,
like he had an affair with both Ho Chi Minh and Pol
Pot, then I wont vote for him. But if Kerry is
elected, no matter who is elected, America will rally
around him because they're afraid of dirty bombs
blowing up a city or two, and all that.
Things aren't business as usual any more. It wont work
when Kerry's enemies say he "will ruin the economy",
or "bungle the war effort"; that trick was tried with
Clinton, and it is old. 

> 41 years ago Laura wasn't Laura Bush, she was 17
> year old Laura Welch
> (who likely had no idea who the Bushs were), riding
> in a car with
> another 17 year old girl. Two chatty teenage girls
> driving in a car...
> hmmm sounds like a prescription for an accident, or
> at least negligent
> driving.
> Now, you don't know WHAT happened to her after the
> accident, you only
> know that you don't know anything. Concluding she
> got off scot free is
> a leap. Laura has never been an ambitious woman,
> unlike Hillary, and
> has not tried to inject her own politics into
> legislation, unlike
> Hillary, outside of trying to promote the idea that
> kids should read
> more (big shocker, coming from a librarian). Watch
> out for that
> nefarious Laura Bush led Wide Spread Librarian
> Conspiracy to make you
> read... oh no...
> =====
> Mike Lorrey
> Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
> "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of
> human freedom.
> It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of
> slaves."
>                                       -William Pitt
> (1759-1806) 
> Blog:
> http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=Sadomikeyism
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