[extropy-chat] an interesting new QT model of gravity

scerir scerir at libero.it
Sat Oct 16 18:38:00 UTC 2004

Ahem. His website says:
"Kris Krogh
Sr. Electronics Technician"

Heh! Everyone seems to be interested
in Pioneer anomalous acceleration

Nottale's expanation of the Pioneer anomaly 
is based on Mach's principle (and I like it,
because everyone says Mach was wrong).
Nottale just reconciles a local coordinate system 
with a global one by simply matching two metrics 
at the orbital distances of the Pioneer.

Another paper, by Carlos Castro, showing the maximal 
proper force to be related to Born's Dual Principle 
of Relativity combined with Mach's ideas about the 
dynamics of the masses in the universe 
seems to point out a possible connection between 
micro & macro (an idea Dirac had, and wrote about). 

Btw (nothing to do with the above), there is a paper, 
by G.Kalbermann, which - according to a real expert of 
relativity, strings, etc. - is consistent (at least).
'Communication through an extra dimension'
12 pages, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A15 (2000) 3197-3206
'If our visible universe is considered a trapped 
shell in a five-dimensional hyper-universe, 
all matter in it may be connected by superluminal 
signals traveling through the fifth dimension. 
Events in the shell are still causal, however, 
the propagation of signals proceeds at different 
velocities depending on the fifth coordinate.'

(Something we all heard about, but I never read
a canonical paper)

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