[extropy-chat] Dr. Strangelove - the "documentary" :-)

RobKPO trichrom at optusnet.com.au
Sun Oct 17 07:51:44 UTC 2004

NZ Prime Minister Helen Clark confirmed in the first week of April 2004 that 
a unit of up to 50 Special Air Service troops had left the country for 
Afghanistan, the country's second contingent since the invasion of 
Afghanistan in October 2001.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Simon Dawson
To: ExI chat list
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2004 5:33 PM
Subject: RE: [extropy-chat] Dr. Strangelove - the "documentary" :-)

>spike wrote
>Oh they would find out soon enough.  The notion is that
>there are plenty of places that wouldn't be anywhere
>near any conceivable target.  There are advanced
>technological civilizations that have never had
>(to my knowledge) any beef with anyone, such as
>New Zealand.  Do they even *have* a military?

yes, NZ does have a military, but it's kind of amusing..
"girl guides" as described by an ex South African special
forces friend.

the navy is mostly to keep better equipped and probably
more expensive Japanese fishing boats out of our waters.

I'm not sure if the air force -has- any active fighter
planes any more after the last ones were decommissioned..

we're all a bit friendly down here to go picking fights..


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