[extropy-chat] how partisanship skews perception

Matus matus at matus1976.com
Sun Oct 24 17:46:17 UTC 2004

--- Sean Diggins  <sean at valuationpartners.com.au> wrote:

> Don't forget how pernicious Communists were/are. I am
> a former Marxist and now despise Communists, they are
> little more than left-wing fascists.

What, you thought we had not noticed? I think the only thing you
despise about communists is that they failed. You are still shucking
the communist jive.

That quote was not from me.
I did not write it, nor would I.
And I'm not shucking communist jive.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm closer to being an "egalitarian
libertarian", if such a thing is possible.


No, it's not possible, unless you can explain to us how you plan to
enforce equality amongst libertarians.  With guns, no noubt... making
sure none get too rich, have too many reserves in case of famine, and
think too far in the future.  You will be forcibly holding every man
down to the lowest achiever, the laziest.  It's not fair that anyone
should have more than anyone else, even though you want to let everyone
do whatever they want.  How exactly do you reconcile making sure
everyone is exactly the same with the live and let live philosophy of

" But your "and wrt capitalist countries, there are fewer people with
running water now than at any time in history.... thanks to capitalism."

And though I wont speak for Mike Lorrey, I will wager that is was a
typo, and he meant to say that fewer people are 'without' running water
than ever before in the history of humanity.


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