[extropy-chat] what's in a name, Fortesque?

Sean Diggins sean at valuationpartners.com.au
Sun Oct 24 18:08:01 UTC 2004


-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Damien
Sent: Monday, 25 October 2004 1:35 AM
To: ExI chat list
Subject: [extropy-chat] what's in a name, Fortesque?

At 12:47 AM 10/25/2004 +0800, Sean D. wrote:
>Who is this David you are referring to?  Brin?  It
>was Damien Broderick who wrote The Spike.

>Least I didn't call you Darren (or Derwood....)

As I just mentioned to Sean offlist, this correction wasn't from me but 
from long-time extropian poster Spike Jones. I suspect a few newbies get 
his posts and mine confused. I've never been called `Spike'. The part of my 
@ reading `thespike' is just a mnemonic for my book title. Sorry for the 

We could deal with this easily by persuading Spike Jones to use his real 
name, Cecil Faulteroy Jones.

Damien Broderick

And, as I repied to Damien: Cripes, I'm having a VERY bad night!
It's 2.00am here in Western Australia.
I'm goin' to bed before I trip over my own feet in here again.
Consider me very much "oh dear, oh dear, oh deared..."
I need a cup of hot milk and 12 hours sleep... 


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