[extropy-chat] Bush wants another $75 billion for wars

Patrick Wilken Patrick.Wilken at Nat.Uni-Magdeburg.DE
Wed Oct 27 17:32:59 UTC 2004

On 27 Oct 2004, at 18:46, Hal Finney wrote:

> I am interested in understanding how people cling so hard to beliefs in
> the face of evidence of widespread disagreement, which would suggest
> that in fact the issues (in this case, which candidate would make a
> better president) are quite uncertain.

Come on we do this all the time and for good reason. The fact that 30% 
of Americans are Born Again Christians doesn't make me question my 
religious beliefs or lack thereof. I am sure that most people who are 
Libertarians on this list don't constantly question the correctness of 
their beliefs based on what the majority think.

Perhaps Samantha has already sat down and carefully weighed up all the 
evidence and decided that Bush is a moron.

best, patrick

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