[extropy-chat] Bush wants another $75 billion for wars

Sean Diggins sean at valuationpartners.com.au
Fri Oct 29 04:25:19 UTC 2004


-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Al Brooks
Sean, put simply, we are stuck with trickle-down
economics for the next few generations.


How about a balance of "trickle up" brought about by technological change?
In other words, rather than class struggle (which I agree is hopeless and
almost pointless), why not _reduce_ the gap between the lower classes and
the upper classes? Not by taking away from those at the top, but by lifting
the quality of life for those at the bottom? 
Notions of "class" have less meaning if everyone enjoys a minimum standard
of satisfied needs....and, ideally, it could be done without reliquishment
by the upper classes...  


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