[extropy-chat] IRAQ: Weapons pipeline to Syria

Adrian Tymes wingcat at pacbell.net
Sat Oct 30 19:04:31 UTC 2004

--- RobKPO <trichrom at optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> So is enemy propoganda during a war considered part
> of free speech in the 
> US, and I wonder what the US government should do to
> limit misinformation 
> that incite's internal anti-US influence's during
> time of war and subsequant 
> insecurity of benefit to enemy intent?

We are no longer at war.  The organization which we
were at war with has been disbanded and replaced.
There are organizations (in the loosest sense of the
term) fighting for control of Iraq, but their war is
with the government of Iraq - which we are aiding,
perhaps even far moreso than their minimal internal

It may seem like mere semantics to argue whether we
are "at war" or "helping another government suppress
a rebellion", except that the former grants the US
government all kinds of legal (and, in many peoples'
minds, moral) power that the latter does not.

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