[extropy-chat] glat test

David deimtee at optusnet.com.au
Sun Oct 31 13:51:55 UTC 2004

Adrian Tymes wrote:
> For example, in the infinite grid, connecting two
> nodes diagonally adjacent: the most direct paths (one
> up then one across, or one across then one up) both
> have a resistance of two.  But the total effective
> resistance, after calculating in all paths, is
> (according to another post) the square root of two.
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That can't be correct. Ignoring all but the two most
direct paths you have 2 x 2ohms in parallel, giving
a resistance of one. The rest of the grid can
only lower that.
Perhaps it was half the square root of two - a quick
calculation including the next two paths indicates
it would be in that neighbourhood.

(ie  = 1/(1/2+1/2+1/5+1/5 ....))


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