[extropy-chat] [Pigdog]Fwd:ExtropianTrash(fwdfromthespian at doitnow.com)

scerir scerir at libero.it
Sat Sep 11 12:35:18 UTC 2004

> How'd it be if transhumanists were actually providing
> the oxygen to Kass's flame?
> Brett Paatsch

Pareto argued that elites are inevitable in all societies. 
Pareto in particular argued that there were two types of elites: 
'lions', who rule by force and coercion, and 'foxes', who
rule by cunning stealth and persuasion. The 'masses', according
to Pareto, are made of 'followers', because they are inarticulate. 
In short Pareto perceives the masses as unfit for government.
Pareto pointed out that there is a 'circulation of elites', 
whereby one type of elite ('lions' or 'foxes') is replaced 
by the other type.

Are transhumanists lions, foxes, or something else?
Are Fukuyamists lions, foxes, or something else?
Are Al-Qaedians lions, foxes, or something else?
Was Vilfredo Pareto completely wrong?

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