[extropy-chat] FWD [PvT] Re: Anti-hurricane engineering
Adrian Tymes
wingcat at pacbell.net
Tue Sep 28 19:15:22 UTC 2004
--- Mike Lorrey <mlorrey at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hurricane damages are typically counted in the
> billions, just from when
> they hit the US shore. $2.7 million sounds more
> typical for the damages
> to a carribean island.
> Killing the hurricane entirely really isn't needed.
> What is needed is a
> way to downgrade them from cat 4 or cat 5 status to
> a 1 or 2. If you
> have some tankers with jet engines on board, burning
> fuel and pumping
> air to depth along the track of the storm. Reducing
> surface
> temperatures by only 5-10 degrees goes a long way to
> detuning the force
> of a hurricane.
Hmm. I wonder if one could do a sub-million-dollar
proving project, that would slightly but measurably
reduce the force of a cat 1 or 2? Preferably one not
slated to come ashore, just in case the worst happens.
Once one has proven it this way, then one could make
backed-up-by-evidence projections of how much it would
cost to diminsh a cat 4 or 5, and try to get funding
for that upscaled project.
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