[extropy-chat] Re: (Ethics/Socio) Arrow of Morality
Jef Allbright
jef at jefallbright.net
Thu Apr 14 19:01:26 UTC 2005
Dirk Bruere wrote:
> Jef Allbright wrote:
>> More recently, with expanding awareness, moral rules (principles of
>> what works) were codified: The Golden Rule and its many variations;
>> The Ten Commandments known to Christianity, Judaism and Islam; The
>> Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path of Buddhism; and others.
>> Many of these served to temper the rather harsh instinctive morality
>> of the past, but were stated in strict absolute terms as suited the
>> consciousness of the times.
> There is a fundamental difference between the Eightfold Way and the
> Ten Commandments that is seldo recognised.
> The former is about the path an individual should take in order to
> eliminate (primarily) their own suffering. The TC are about social
> interaction, cohesion and stability.
> Alone on a desert island the TC are pretty worthless, whereas the EW
> is not.
Dirk -
Excellent point, and I did consider this before including it, but
thought it contributed sufficiently in light of the rest of the
east/west discussion to override the fact that it is in a different
category. As a second-order effect, following the eightfold way can be
expected to facilitate social interactions.
- Jef
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