[extropy-chat] Freedom of mutual Consenting Cultural Activity accross National Boundaries?

Lifespan Pharma Inc. megao at sasktel.net
Mon Aug 1 02:26:00 UTC 2005

All his activity was conducted via mail and internet originating  from 
Canada over a 10 year or longer period.
All his activity was broadcast via a specialty TV channel for several years.
All his activity was documented on a net site for several years.
His business in Canada  and Canada Post originated the product and 
carried the shipments.

Adrian Tymes wrote:

>Thing is...
>--- "Lifespan Pharma Inc." <megao at sasktel.net> wrote:
>>Emery's alleged 
>>dealings in the U.S.
>...if the guy really did travel to the US, did illegal-in-US business
>physically within US territory, then returned to Canada, then the US
>has every right to request his extradition.  Just like if someone went
>to Iran with a bunch of contraband-in-Iran sexual education materials,
>sold them there in violation of Iran's laws, then returned to the US.
>(Of course, the US is less cooperative with Iran than Canada is with
>the US, but that's a separate issue.)
>Of course, that's if he did do business physically within the US.  If
>he did business remotely (say, online) and had someone else ship the
>goods, his status is a bit murkier (although the shipper may be up on
>smuggling charges).
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