[extropy-chat] effing

Brent Allsop allsop at extropy.org
Tue Dec 6 17:57:10 UTC 2005


> Imagine a person who had this sort of "blind-sight" for all his senses,
> such that he could hear without experiencing sound, taste without
> experiencing flavor, feel without experiencing tactile sensations, etc.
> This person would seem no different from a normal person. If you
> encountered him on the street you would think he was just like you, but
> unlike you he would have no inner life.

No, he would not be exactly like us.  He wouldn't be trying to figure out
what phenomenal properties were.  When you asked him what red was like - he
would say it wasn't phenomenally like anything.  And once you looked at his
brain, you would see that he does not have whatever the neural correlates
are that we have that have phenomenal properties. Right?

But other than this - he could be like us.  That is, after all, what an
abstract unconscious computer is.  That is why commander data is always
wanting to know what emotions are like and so on.

Brent Allsop

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