[extropy-chat] Impeachment of President Bush What odds amIoffered?
Herb Martin
HerbM at learnquick.com
Tue Dec 20 12:40:45 UTC 2005
> Brett Paatsch
> Samantha Atkins wrote:
> > I can't give odds on this with any confidence. I have seen
> > too many things swallowed by the American people in the
> > last five years that I thought would never be accepted. The
> > people may keep on swallowing for the rest of his term,
> > although I would expect them to choke and upchuck real
> > soon now.
> Perhaps it might help you think about the odds if you break down
> into a sequence what has to happen procedurally in order for
> Bush to be impeached. Think for instance about how important
> the 2006 elections might be.
Yes, and state the outcomes clearly, impeachment
or conviction?
Clinton was impeached. He was not convicted.
Nixon was not impeached but he resigned rather
than face almost certain conviction.
Imprecicion in terms would make it nearly impossible
to handicap.
Herb Martin
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