[extropy-chat] Bill Moyers' Comments - GlobalEnvironmentCitizenAward
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 9 17:54:40 UTC 2005
--- Alfio Puglisi <puglisi at arcetri.astro.it> wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Jan 2005, Mike Lorrey wrote:
> >> With no more warm water flowing into the north atlantic, winters
> >> in NA and Western Europe will most likely become much colder.
> >
> >Which is a self contradicting statement. If the arctic ice cap is
> >melting due to warming, then there isn't gonna be any cold to cool
> >europe down. You can't chill your champagne without any ice, bub.
> I wonder how you are always so sure of your statements, Mike. Climate
> is so complex that any predictions made by people who spent their
> lives studying it are at best an educated guess, instead you seem
> really sure of what will happen 20+ years ahead.
The people making such outlandish projections really are NOT experts in
the field, they are dilletants with a political agenda who lack
important capabilities of thinking logically because of their
ideological blinders.
I don't discuss my sources of information on this list anymore because
someone here (or who reads this list online) with a socialist agenda
informed their compadres in academia, who threatened my sources with
losses of funding, degrees, and tenure if they cooperated with me.
> And I don't see how having less ice will avoid cooling selected parts
> of the world. There's no need to go under zero to call spring, summer
> and fall "cold", except maybe for residents of Calgary and Fairbanks.
And given we are coming off a year where the heat in France killed
10,000 in the past summer, one would think europeans would be looking
forward to a break.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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