[extropy-chat] Bill Moyers' Comments - GlobalEnvironmentCitizenAward
Samantha Atkins
sjatkins at mac.com
Sun Jan 9 21:24:42 UTC 2005
Mike Lorrey wrote:
>--- Alfio Puglisi <puglisi at arcetri.astro.it> wrote:
>>On Sat, 8 Jan 2005, Mike Lorrey wrote:
>>>>With no more warm water flowing into the north atlantic, winters
>>>>in NA and Western Europe will most likely become much colder.
>>>Which is a self contradicting statement. If the arctic ice cap is
>>>melting due to warming, then there isn't gonna be any cold to cool
>>>europe down. You can't chill your champagne without any ice, bub.
>>I wonder how you are always so sure of your statements, Mike. Climate
>>is so complex that any predictions made by people who spent their
>>lives studying it are at best an educated guess, instead you seem
>>really sure of what will happen 20+ years ahead.
>The people making such outlandish projections really are NOT experts in
>the field, they are dilletants with a political agenda who lack
>important capabilities of thinking logically because of their
>ideological blinders.
Your rather outlandish comments on the subject imply either that you
have not read the literature on the subject or you have summarily
dismissed it without comment. Both say rather unfortunate things about
you and your arguments that you might want to attend to.
>I don't discuss my sources of information on this list anymore because
>someone here (or who reads this list online) with a socialist agenda
>informed their compadres in academia, who threatened my sources with
>losses of funding, degrees, and tenure if they cooperated with me.
Oooh. Secret sources of True Dependable information that can't be
revealed because the e-v-i-l socialists will get them. Come on Mike.
Surely you can seek how weak that line is.
- samantha
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