[extropy-chat] The Force of Human Freedom [was - isAmericafascistyet?]

Dirk Bruere dirk at neopax.com
Mon Jan 31 00:59:42 UTC 2005

Giu1i0 Pri5c0 wrote:

>The question was not asked to me, but I will try answering.
>Greg, you are correct in the sense that younger immigrant generations
>are probably MORE inclined to religiously-motivated violence than the
>older generations. In my opinion the simpler explanation the young
>have seen the old making an effort to become integrated in european
>society, and not achieving it (they still have worse jobs and living
>conditions than the average). So they feel powerless and seek an
>identity they can live with in the religion of their grandfathers.
>A solution? Simple, cure the disease and not the symptom.
>On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 09:36:41 -0600, Greg Burch <gregburch at gregburch.net> wrote:
>>It seems clear that there is a large population of unassimilated Muslims in Europe.  Based on my own research, I conclude that the large, younger segment of this population is increasingly radicalized and inclined to religiously-motivated violence.  Do you agree?  If so, do you have any proposed solution to this?
The disease is multiculturalism - the idea that it is OK to *not* 


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