[extropy-chat] Re: is america fascist yet?
Ned Late
nedlt at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 31 20:39:52 UTC 2005
It doesn't appear many know just how butcherous the Baathist regime was, and the remnants still are. Saddam's regime was a pan-Arab Stalinist one that not only murdered but also tortured, mutilated and raped (and all those other verbs we use to frighten each other with).
The Iraq war isn't a war such as Vietnam where America went into a nation without being able to improve the situation, in Iraq the citizens had no place to go but up. However what the future will bring is anyone's guess.
Sorry Samantha, but Ned is right here. You can't call a voter turnout
of over 60% a 'farcical event' when that exceeds the typical turnout
for US elections. In spite of 44 people being killed in violence
(including a child suffering from Downs syndrome used as a suicide
bomber), the Iraqi elections were an unqualified success, as
international observers have all said. Turnout in the shiite and
kurdish areas was over 70% according to reports, so it appears the only
people who were discouraged from voting by the Sunni terrorists were
the Sunni citizens of Iraq. Holy backfires, batman. The mayor of Bagdad
has stated that they are going to erect a statue of Bush in the city
center as a 'hero of freedom'. Hope his pose isn't the same as Saddams
(assuming they use the same pedestal).
What successful iraqi elections do is expose the lie of the
anti-Americanistas here and elsewhere who claim all sorts of ulterior
motives. It will discredit the socialist/internationalist forces here
in the US and give further impetus to various "US out of the UN/UN out
of the US" campaigns around the US.
Now Annan's son has copped to all the charges of corruption on the oil
for food scandal. The UN and the european anti-americanistas are going
down in flames. Marc Rich, the Clinton pardon recipient, is being
implicated as a major player in this criminal enterprise. No surprise
there. Word is coming down that the Clintons themselves may be
involved. Shall we call this the "Blackwater" scandal?
The only farcical events are now any time the UN purports to represent
world opinion.
--- Samantha Atkins wrote:
> I don't see the logic. How can any outcome of that farcical event
> say anything relevant about how fascist the US is or is not? Even the
> most miraculous outcome would not change the nature of our
> government.
> -s
> On Jan 27, 2005, at 6:33 PM, Ned Late wrote:
> > Let's give the coming Iraq election-- and those Iraqi
> > elections coming afterwards-- a chance, before we call
> > the current administration fascist. If Iraq eventually
> > succeeds in transforming into a democracy then the
> > Bush administration wins and will not be remembered as
> > fascist.
> > The victors write the history books. If the Axis had
> > won WWII we'd be eating sushi & rice and reading in
> > German how Hitler vanquished Communism 60 years ago.
> >
> >
> >
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