[extropy-chat] Re: Meta: Too far
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 1 01:08:46 UTC 2005
--- Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at mac.com> wrote:
> You are a fool.
Maybe but only because so many people are trying
so hard to fool me about this Iraq thing. More so than
many on this list, when it comes right down to it, I
consider myself to be a liberal and have been called a
"watermelon" for it. I have either voted green or
democrat except in the case of Schwarzeneggar. I am
what you could call a big-stick pacifist. I believe in
having in having the biggest stick on the block so
that I CAN love my neighbors. I had protested the war
constantly up until the point that judged it to be too
late to do any good. Now that I see elections
happening and infra-structure starting to be rebuilt
there and land mines being cleared so that children
don't step on them, I understand what we are doing
there CURRENTLY to be more humanitarian aid than
empire building. Not so much because I believe that
the war was justified, but because that is what is
happening. Even if the end doesn't justify the means,
the means have come and gone and all we have left are
lemons. To stay, break the will of the bloodthirsty
Baathists and Jihadists, rebuild Iraq, and prevent an
insane four-way civil war, is the best way to make
lemonade with the lemons we have been given. Sometimes
the bullet in a gunshot wound is the only thing that
keeps it from bleeding and you best leave it in until
you get to a hospital.
> I have no such hatred. I am no longer sorry I
> called you a fool.
> You have now earned it if you take my legitimate
> concerns to be
> irrational hatred.
Recognize this?
"If I was Iraqi I would almost certainly be in the
resistance and
consider those cops turncoats to their own people."
You sound like you are saying that if you had to
choose sides, you would choose the side of muderous
Baathists over Americans. That means that you would be
willing to shoot Americans that at the very least
think they are risking their lives for YOU. Moreover
in the very same sentence you insinuate that you would
shoot your own Iraqi people, including cops, that
tried keep you from doing it. Why would you be so
willing to make war on America, if you don't hate it?
> Welcome to my kill file fool.
To be fair, I wrote my reply BEFORE I read your
apology. I have never resorted to calling you names
or even labelling you. Considering you are supposed to
be a list moderator, it is somewhat strange that you
would resort so quickly to ad hominem not only against
me but against others. My self-esteem is built on
things other than your opinion so I don't really care,
but to be honest if it will spare me your verbal abuse
for daring to disagree with you, I think I will like
your kill file.
The Avantguardian
Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
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