[extropy-chat] finding old (and new) sf
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 3 07:55:09 UTC 2005
--- Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at mac.com> wrote:
> What is needed is a means to pay creators of
> information,
> entertainment and so on that can be digitally (or
> equivalent)
> rendered AND make all of that information available
> to everyone (with
> some security caveats). By so doing will we attain
> maximum extropy
> increment derivable from maximizing these
> information flows. Among
> the benefits are:
> 1) Information will be maximally used to the benefit
> of all;
> 2) Eventually the creators are more directly
> rewarded than today;
> 3) People are not made criminals by the agents of
> media companies and
> other middlemen for maximizing their lives and
> happiness using the
> technology.
> 4) Innovators and future creators need not fear.;
> 5) Innovation will be maximized.
> So how could such a thing be done?
> If there was a sufficiently large pool of funds, say
> the size of the
> current amount spent for year on such information
> and entertainment,
> and a means simply to reliably count how often that
> information is
> used, then the creator or rights holder would get a
> percentage of
> the total pool based no some function applied to the
> usage count and
> various measurements describing qualities of the
> information. The
> pool might be maintained by a low subscription fee
> or through (ugh)
> taxes. Thus you have a commons that rewards
> producers, is not only
> not being depleted but is growing richer and it
> supports maximal
> information flow.
> Thoughts?
Well for one thing how do we evaluate information
content? Even in the current system there are times
when by viewing information (for example a movie)
where I feel that the maker of the movie should have
paid me for having wasted my time. In other times
people have said or shown or communicated things to me
for free and it is very valuable information. So
whatever creative commons type system you are
suggesting ought to somehow deal with that disconnect.
I mean I am willing to pay by the byte as long as the
information isn't SPAM or otherwise crap.
The Avantguardian
Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
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