[extropy-chat] Many eyes

John Calvin john.h.calvin at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 21:02:17 UTC 2005

"Ultimately we must have a transparent society."

"Must" is a strong word, though I would ceertainly agree that
Ultimately it is in our best interest to have a transparent society,
though we have many other issues to take care of in getting there.

There are benefits of a truly wired and trasparent society.   One or
two times in my life, I have said something that was absolutley
brilliant.  Unfortunately for the lack of ubiquitous cameras there is
no evidence that I have ever shown a spark of brilliance.

Yet here too is the another downside to the transparent society.  What
if our memories of an event are better than the actual event itself? 
Would it be a let down to be able to go look at the footage of an
event in your life and discover that it was not nearly as cool or
poignant as your memory would have it, or would you discard truth in
favor of your personal myth.  I must admit that there may be times
when I would choose personal myth.

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