[extropy-chat] feeling more better
Robert Lindauer
robgobblin at aol.com
Mon Jul 11 23:13:46 UTC 2005
Yes, you write like a roman "intellectuals pontificate, soldiers act".
Sloganeering replacing critical thought.
Rumors are irrelevant, facts in evidence stand. The definitive evidence
that the war was wrong is the giant pile of dead bodies and the now
obvious (well, then-obvious too) fact (by your own admission) that it
was over weapons of mass deception, not destruction.
beb_cc at yahoo.com wrote:
> Rome? I write like a Roman? that's a new one.. okay it's a tiny thing.
> Main beef is a sense the opponents of the war are being as
> disingenuous as the hawks. When I protested the Vietnam War the
> feeling back then was "what does our side have to hide? They were
> childish, yes, but the info was more or less accurate. All sorts of
> rumors in the past 46 months have been circulating, the administration
> was active in the attacks or complicit. Now there's something else.
> And how can you trust mere memos without knowing 100% the source of
> those memos?
> Sure the administration lied, truth is the first casualty even
> before the shooting starts. What else is new? What definitive evidence
> can you furnish showing the war was not only snaked into but is
> undeniably wrong?
> */Robert Lindauer <robgobblin at aol.com>/* wrote:
> I didn't put the words in your mouth. If the shoe fits, wear it. If
> you would like to be a protester pinko-fag, stop saying nice things
> about war-mongers.
> Robbie
> PS - answer to your question - Rome.
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