[extropy-chat] Who thinks the Bush admin lied over Iraq? Onwhatbasis?

Robert Lindauer robgobblin at aol.com
Tue Jul 12 21:19:54 UTC 2005

The Avantguardian wrote:

>I was unaware that Brett started it. That seems to be
>rather uncharacteristic of Brett.

The mere existence of someone who would continue to even try to make the 
case for the Bush administration at this point is an insult to free 
people everywhere.

>>>Brett has
>>>very little stake in this debate.
>>Obviously, otherwise he'd have taken the time to
>>inform himself about it.
>I don't know about that. He seems to be better
>informed than the average American voter. And that's a
>sad sorry shame.

Maybe, but then why ask for references when he knows (a) that they're 
available with a 30-second google search and (b) that I've got a website 
chock full of them (mostly clips from the AP!).

>>>He is not some
>>>Republican defending Bush's actions, he is a
>>>outsider (in Australia) that is trying to form an
>>>unbiased opinion on the war.
>>Obviously not "unbiased".
>No sentient being is completely unbiased about
>anything. That is WHY they call it self-interest. For
>what it's worth, however, I think it is critical for
>America to realize that alleged crimes by a President
>and a major land war, justified or not, trumps
>politics in general any distinction of left or right
>is mute. If Bush were a Democrat, I would still be
>outraged by his actions. It is time to start thinking
>about how WE THE PEOPLE are going to survive this
Me too.  I can't stand those democrats, the wimpiest opposition party in 
the history of opposition parties. 

And I agree, who cares about the politics, what about the stacks of 
shocked-and-awed to death Iraqis?

>>>By your pointless
>>>name-calling, you are only serving to justify the
>>>opinion that other nations have of us right now and
>>>furthermore you are making the OTHER side of the
>>>political spectrum more appealing to him by
>>Oh pleeze, grow up.  Have you ever watched
>>parliament?  Poltics is 
>>UGLY.  The world has a low opinion of America
>>BECAUSE of our 
>>administration not because there are lots of us
>>complaining about it.  
>>That part they barely get to hear.
>Politics is ugly. But nowhere near as ugly as war.
>Insulting the other side in a debate is great
>rhetorical trick on a playground. Intelligent adults,
>however, just realize it means you don't have anything
>more substantive to say.

No.  At some point all of the relevant facts are laid on the table and 
you still have a disagreement.  At that point, producing more facts in 
evidence is useless, the only thing to do is start slinging mudd.  In 
general, the republicans start slinging first, I was just switching it 
up a little - figured I'd start slinging first this time, I've done the 
whole produce facts thing.  The point is that THEY don't give a crap 
about the facts.  THEY like the bloodshed and false sense of security 
that our administration has provided.

>>>Nobody has ever convinced anyone of
>>>anything by insulting them.
>>I agree, but then I said, I'm not trying to convince
>>anyone anymore.  
>>I'm just not willing to let the self-satisfied
>>smugness of right-wing 
>>statist appologists (paid or unpaid) go unnoticed.
>Then your cause is already lost. And in as much as I
>want a speedy peaceful resolution to this mess and
>oath-breakers to be brought to justice, I suppose mine
>is too.

Pretty much.  But maybe I'm just not playing that game.  Maybe I'm 
playing a different game.

>>The rhetoric of the right BEGINS with ridicule, when
>>people who aren't 
>>on the right fight back they complain - I say f-em. 
>>And if you're as 
>>far off the left-right scale as me, nothing you say
>>has much chance of 
>>-convincing- very many people at all.  But that's
>>not why you say it.
>It's not the one who begins a conflict that wins but
>the one who ends it. If your cake of "truth" is
>frosted with insults, nobody will eat it. There were a
>great many undecideds before the last election, if the
>right is telling everyone you are a conspiracy nutter
>and you begin your sales pitch with "Hey, Stupid . .
>." you are doing more harm to your cause then good.

Well, as I see it, the Democrats/Opposition have calmly and patiently 
made this case sufficiently well for two years and at this point the 
only relevant opening salvo for those unwilling to throw 
punches/missiles/bullets is "jane you ignorant slut".

I mean, it's not like I'm trying to get Republicans to LIKE ME!


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