[extropy-chat] communication issues
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 13 00:47:37 UTC 2005
--- David <deimtee at optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> c c wrote:
> > Of all the posters here, the one I have the least in common with is
> Mike Lorrey yet he is
> the easiest to communicate with because he is so direct.
> > Samantha on the other hand is far too slippery i.e. a few weeks ago
> >she said she would join the resistance in Iraq if she knew what was
> >occurring there on the ground. However she has no intention of
> >joining in any part of any resistance in Iraq, and if she did she
> > would be captured, taken to a tent, and violated. How can you take
> > someone's posts seriously when they are so evasive?
> >
> What Samantha said was "If I was Iraqi I would almost certainly be in
> the resistance and consider those cops turncoats to their own
> Try re-reading the first four words. Especially the first one.
This is still slippery as c c says, for the simple reason that Samantha
doesn't detail *what sort of Iraqi* she would be that would consider
those cops turncoats to their own people. Did she consider the Baathist
cops who participated in the gassing, kidnapping, rape, and murder of
their own people under Saddam "turncoats". Since the native insurgents
are almost entirely such baathists, who are now permanently barred from
holding office or other positions in government, what made them
turncoats before the invasion, but patriotic heroes afterward?
Samantha, would a Kurd consider a baathist sunni arab a hero and his
fellow kurdish police 'turncoats'? Would a shiite who fought against
Saddam in 1991 consider the baathist police who murdered his family
heroes while his fellow shiite police are now 'turncoats'?
Please, Samantha, these are important questions that inquiring minds
want to know....
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
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