[extropy-chat] communication issues
Samantha Atkins
sjatkins at mac.com
Wed Jul 13 00:56:40 UTC 2005
I clarified at the time the purpose and the intent of my statements.
This latter day second guessing is loathsome and not worth my time to
respond to further.
- samantha
On Jul 12, 2005, at 5:47 PM, Mike Lorrey wrote:
> --- David <deimtee at optusnet.com.au> wrote:
>> c c wrote:
>>> Of all the posters here, the one I have the least in common with is
>> Mike Lorrey yet he is
>> the easiest to communicate with because he is so direct.
>>> Samantha on the other hand is far too slippery i.e. a few weeks ago
>>> she said she would join the resistance in Iraq if she knew what was
>>> occurring there on the ground. However she has no intention of
>>> joining in any part of any resistance in Iraq, and if she did she
>>> would be captured, taken to a tent, and violated. How can you take
>>> someone's posts seriously when they are so evasive?
>> What Samantha said was "If I was Iraqi I would almost certainly be in
>> the resistance and consider those cops turncoats to their own
> people."
>> Try re-reading the first four words. Especially the first one.
> This is still slippery as c c says, for the simple reason that
> Samantha
> doesn't detail *what sort of Iraqi* she would be that would consider
> those cops turncoats to their own people. Did she consider the
> Baathist
> cops who participated in the gassing, kidnapping, rape, and murder of
> their own people under Saddam "turncoats". Since the native insurgents
> are almost entirely such baathists, who are now permanently barred
> from
> holding office or other positions in government, what made them
> turncoats before the invasion, but patriotic heroes afterward?
> Samantha, would a Kurd consider a baathist sunni arab a hero and his
> fellow kurdish police 'turncoats'? Would a shiite who fought against
> Saddam in 1991 consider the baathist police who murdered his family
> heroes while his fellow shiite police are now 'turncoats'?
> Please, Samantha, these are important questions that inquiring minds
> want to know....
> Mike Lorrey
> Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
> "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
> It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
> -William Pitt (1759-1806)
> Blog: http://intlib.blogspot.com
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