[extropy-chat] Re: Death Toll
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 14 13:03:57 UTC 2005
--- Brett Paatsch <bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> I do agree of course. We could certainly lose. Whoever we define as
> we. Threats to the United States are older than the anything that
> happened
> in 1979 though. Pearl Harbor occurred earlier than that. And the US
> Civil war, after the US independence war.
None of which have anything to do with the present crisis. Please stick
to the subject.
> After World War II a US President, Franklin Delenor Roosevelt, if my
> memory serves on spelling, and Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of
> Great Britain, and others, organised to put together an international
> organisation aimed at saving "succeeding generations from the scourge
> of war, which twice in (their) lifetimes [had] brought untold sorrow
> to
> mankind". That organisations purpose was "to maintain international
> peace and security and to that end: to take effective collective
> measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace".
> That Organisation was called the United Nations. It has a charter.
> It is a treaty. Arguably, according to the language in it, it is the
> master treaty of treaties between nations.
You are forgetting who the real author of the UN Charter was. It was
written by Alger Hiss, US Secretary of State, CFR member, Fabianist,
and spy for Stalin (later to be convicted of espionage, a conviction,
while disputed by the American left for decades, was confirmed in its
validity after the fall of the USSR when the KGB released its records
on Hiss, and the US released the Venona files). Nor was it after WWII,
it was during WWII, at the Yalta conference, when Roosevelt was ill and
essentially operating under the influence of Hiss (i.e. Stalin), when
the three of them agreed to the UN Charter. That it was later signed
publicly in San Francisco is immaterial outside of being illuminative
of the propaganda. The UN was born in the USSR, it was a Soviet
creature. Americans were conned into it by a spy and traitor.
This being said, in the current crisis, the UN has proven itself
nothing but an absurdity. From its birth until 1990, it was nothing but
an empty forum where NATO and the Warsaw Pact traded vetoes on anything
of substance. The first Gulf War was the first time that the UN
fulfilled its purpose, and following the cease fire, it doggedly
pursued a policy of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory,
particularly at the hands of the French and Russians, despite passing
some 17 or 18 resolutions regarding Iraq, the French and Russians
prevented the UN from enforcing any of them itself.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
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