[extropy-chat] Who thinks the Bush admin lied over Iraq? Onwhatbasis?
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 15 00:00:06 UTC 2005
--- Alfio Puglisi <puglisi at arcetri.astro.it> wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, Bret Kulakovich wrote:
> >I also understand that people try to justify the number being
> 100,000
> >because the US "flattened" al Fallujah, which it did not. The strike
> >against al Fallujah, while not 'surgical' was not nearly damaging as
> >is being told by certain news outlets and partisans.
> The average of 100,000 specifically excluded Fallujah's surveyed
> homes,
> because the number of reported deaths was too high and it would have
> skewed the results for the entire country much higher.
I also believe the Lancet study overestimated because they did not come
to a determination of how big the average Iraqi meant when you used the
term "family". Being a tribal culture, the Iraqi idea of "family" is a
whole lot larger than the nuclear family concept of the west. This
could easily have introduced a magnitude of error into the study.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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