[extropy-chat] Invitation for Lorrey to Defend Rove

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 16 01:41:15 UTC 2005

If Rove broke a law, he should be prosecuted. 

Contrary to the dems and the media claims, from what I've heard,
Valerie Plame was not an undercover agent and had not been for some
time prior to Rove's disclosure. She wasn't overseas anywhere, she had
been bumped up to domestic analyst in the DC area. So the applicable
law, which covers protecting undercover agents, informants, and
double-agents from being discovered, may not be stretched to cover this
particular instance. We'll have to see what the courts decide.

Now, if we are going to be picking nits, how about pursuing Valerie
Plame for nepotism in hiring her husband? And when is that prosecution
of John Kerry going to happen for his aiding and comforting the enemy,
as well as participating in a vote by the VVAW on assasinating US

--- Robert Lindauer <robgobblin at aol.com> wrote:

> Dear Mr. Lorrey:
> Could you fill us in about what the insane are going to be saying
> now.
> I've come up with my top-ten-list:
> 1)  It's not really illegal.
> 2)  Rove didn't do it "on purpose".
> 3)  Valerie -deserved it- whether or not it was legal is not the
> issue.
> 4)  It's really Hadley's fault, we should promote him again.
> 5)  If it was illegal, it was really a partisan law designed to
> encumber 
> the president, we should retroactively revoke it.
> 6)  It depends on what you mean by "told".
> 7)  Anyone who would believe that the President's Press Secretary
> would 
> break the law by revealing top secret information in order to punish
> a 
> political enemy must be some kind of communist conspiracy nut.
> 8)  Hey look over there (run out of the room).
> 9)  Rove is a career public servant, patriot and a national hero. 
> It's 
> embarassing for the democrats to be attacking such a loyal and 
> dependable public servant for the obvious and purely political reason
> that they lost the last election fair and square.
> 10) "Jane you ignorant slut."
> Can you top that?  I'm looking for help and figured you'd be the
> first 
> person I should ask.
> Thanks,
> Robbie Lindauer
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Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
                                      -William Pitt (1759-1806) 
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