[extropy-chat] ET is a Bacterium was Dark Matter and ET
Amara Graps
amara at amara.com
Tue Jul 19 06:18:03 UTC 2005
> That bacteria could survive long enough in space
>to colonize other worlds is pretty well documented.
millions of years ? (the traveling time in space of the Martian
meteorites span years to millions of years).
This is a still relatively new research area.
Horneck (below) says
[begin quote]
Viable transfer from one planet to another requires that life,
probably of microbial nature, survives the following three steps:
1) the escape process, i.e. ejection into space, e.g. caused by a
large impact on the parent planet; (ii) the journey through space,
i.e. time scales in space comparable with those experienced by
the Martian meteorites (approximately 1-15 Ma); and (iii) the
landing process, i.e. non-destructive deposition of the biological
material on another planet.
[end quote]
There is a large range of conditions to test for these three
steps. Many aspects look feasible, but results are along ways
away to support your first sentence.
>Any of the rod shaped bacilli of the type that contain
>Anthrax as a representative species can form
>super-resistant endospores. These spores can survive
>in a near inanimate state without food or water for
>indeterminately long periods of time in very harsh
>conditions including hard vacuum, ionizing radiation,
>and extremes of heat and cold. It seems that such
>spores could be easily disseminated by asteroid and
>comet strikes or possibly even by supernovae.
See the chapter: Viable Transfer of Microorganisms in the Solar System
and Beyond by Gerda Horneck, et al. in _Astrobiology: The Quest for
the Conditions of Life_ by Springer 2002.
It is an extremely comprehensive report, detailing the conditions that
they have tested bacteria and the conditions that they still need to
Amara Graps, PhD
Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario (IFSI)
Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF),
Adjunct Assistant Professor Astronomy, AUR,
Roma, ITALIA Amara.Graps at ifsi.rm.cnr.it
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