[extropy-chat] (no subject)
david stiger
stiger420 at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 20 00:12:06 UTC 2005
David Stiger wrote:
>Why does there seem to be an unmistakeable connection with the
>Freemasons and the origins of Civilization as we know it?
Mike Lorrey replied:
There isn't except as a fantasy in the minds of certain people.
This is just a small list of CONFIRMED masons, and it is from an American
source so it doesn't touch a lot on famous masons responsible for the
construction and controlling of civilizations and religions from other
countries. (also I have edited out some of the less important ones from my
Abbott, Sir John J.C. - Prime Minister of Canada 1891-92
Aldrin, Edwin E. - Astronaut
Armstrong, Neil - Astronaut
Arnold, General Henry "Hap" - Commander of the Army Air Force
Austin, Stephen F. - Father of Texas
Baldwin, Henry - Supreme Court Justice
Bartholdi, Frederic A. - Designed the Statue of Liberty
Baylor, Robert E. B. - Founder Baylor University
Beard, Daniel Carter - Founder Boy Scouts
Bell, Lawrence - Bell Aircraft Corp.
Bennett, Viscount R.B. - Prime Minister of Canada 1930-35
Black, Hugo L. - Supreme Court Justice
Blair, Jr., John - Supreme Court Justice
Blatchford, Samuel - Supreme Court Justice
Borden, Sir Robert L. - Prime Minister of Canada 1911-1920
Borglum, Gutzon & Lincoln - Father and Son who carved Mt. Rushmore
Bowell, Sir Mackenzie - Prime Minister of Canada 1894-96
Bradley, Omar N. - Military leader
Buchanan, James - President of the U.S.
Burnett, David G. - 1st President of the Republic of Texas
Burton, Harold H. - Supreme Court Justice
Byrnes, James F. - Supreme Court Justice
Catton, John - Supreme Court Justice
Chrysler, Walter P. - Automotive fame
Churchill, Winston - British Leader
Citroen, Andre - French Engineer and motor car manufacturer
Clark, Thomas C. - Supreme Court Justice
Clarke, John H. - Supreme Court Justice
Colt, Samuel - Firearms inventor
Cushing, William - Supreme Court Justice
Devanter, Willis Van - Supreme Court Justice
Diefenbaker, John G. - Prime Minister of Canada 1957-63
Douglas, William O. - Supreme Court Justice
Dow, William H. - Dow Chemical Co.
Drake, Edwin L - American Pioneer of the Oil industry
Dunant, Jean Henri - Founder of the Red Cross
Edward VII - King of England
Edward VIII - King of England who abdicated the throne in less than 1 year
Ellsworth, Oliver - Supreme Court Justice
Field, Stephen J. - Supreme Court Justice
Fisher, Geoffrey - Archbishop of Canterbury 1945 - 1961
Fitch, John - Inventor of the Steamboat
Fleming, Sir Alexander - Invented Penicillin
Ford, Gerald R. - President of the U.S.
Ford, Henry - Pioneer Automobile Manufacturer
Franklin, Benjamin - 1 of 13 Masonic signers of Constitution of the U.S.
Garfield, James A. - President of the U.S.
Gatling, Richard J. - Built the "Gatling Gun"
George VI - King of England during W.W. II
Glenn, John H. - First American to orbit the earth in a space craft
Graham, Albert Belmont - Father of the 4-H Rural Youth Program
Graham, Rev. "Billy"- Religion World famous Evangelist and Ecumenist
Grissom, Virgil - Astronaut
Guillotin, Joseph Ignace - Inventor of the "Guillotin"
Hancock, John - 1 of 9 Masonic signers of Declaration of Independance
Harding, Warren G. - President of the U.S.
Harlan, John M. - Supreme Court Justice
Hilton, Charles C. - American Hotelier
Hoban, James - Architect for the U.S. Captial
Hoover, J. Edgar - Director of FBI
Houdini, Harry - Magician
Houston, Sam - 2nd&4th President of the Republic of Texas
Jackson, Andrew - President of the U.S.
Jackson, Reverend Jesse - Minister
Jackson, Robert H. - Supreme Court Justice
Jenner, Edward - Inventor - Vaccination
Johnson, Andrew - President of the U.S.
Jones, Melvin - One of the founders of the Lions International
Key, Francis Scott - Wrote U.S. National Anthem
Kipling, Rudyard - Writer
Lafayette, Marquis de - Supporter of Amerian Freedom
Lamar, Joseph E. - Supreme Court Justice
Lamar, Mirabeau B. - 3rd President of the Republic of Texas
Lindbergh, Charles - Aviator
Livingston, Robert - Co-Negotiator for purchase of Louisiana Territory
MacArthur, General Douglas - Commander of Armed Forces in Phillipines
MacDonald, Sir John A. - Prime Minister of Canada 1867-73 & 1878-91
Marshall, John - Chief Justice U.S. Supreme Court 1801 - 1835
Marshall, Thurgood - Supreme Court Justice
Mathews, Stanley - Supreme Court Justice
Mayer, Louis B. - Film producer who merged to form Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
McKinley, William - President of the U.S.
Menninger, Karl A. - Psychiatrist famous for treating mental illness
Mesmer, Franz Anton - practiced Mesmerism which led to Hypnotism
Michelson, Albert Abraham - Successfully measured the speed of light in 1882
Minton, Sherman - Supreme Court Justice
Monroe, James - President of the U.S.
Moody, William H. - Supreme Court Justice
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Composer
Murphy, Audie - Most decorated American Soldier of WWII.
Nelson, Samuel - Supreme Court Justice
New, Harry S. - Postmaster General who established Airmail
Newton, Joseph Fort - Christian Minister
Nunn, Sam - U.S. Senator
Olds, Ransom E. - American automobile pioneer
Paterson, William - Supreme Court Justice
Pitney, Mahlon - Supreme Court Justice
Polk, James Knox - President of the U.S.
Reed, Stanley F. - Supreme Court Justice
Roosevelt, Franklin D. - President of the U.S.
Roosevelt, Theodore - President of the U.S.
Rutledge, Wiley B. - Supreme Court Justice
Sarnoff, David - Father of T.V.
Smith, Joseph - Founder Of Mormon Church
Stanford, Leland - Drove the gold spike linking the intercontinetal railroad
Stewart, Potter - Supreme Court Justice
Swayne, Noah H. - Supreme Court Justice
Taft, William Howard - President of the U.S.
Todd, Thomas - Supreme Court Justice
Trimble, Robert - Supreme Court Justice
Truman, Harry S. - President of the U.S.
Vinson, Frederick M. - Supreme Court Justice
Warren, Earl - Supreme Court Justice
Washington, Booker T - Educator and author
Washington, George - President of US, 1st
Woodbury, Levi - Supreme Court Justice
Woods, William B. - Supreme Court Justice
Thurman, Strom (33rd degree) - US Senator and Board member of Bob Jones
Helms, Jesse (33rd degree) - US Senator
Dole, Robert- US Senator and '96 candidate for President
Reagan, Ronald (33rd Degree in one session) - Taken in during Presidency of
the USA
Bush, George (33rd degree)- US President, world oil baron, and Ambassador
to the UN
It seems like the connection to their control of our country is undeniable
when you consider the power of their members... Also, unless you yourself
are a Freemason, how can you truly know that they do not have a very real
connection with the creation and continuation with civilizations all over
the world? I happen to know a few Freemasons personally, and from what
information I have been able to get out of them, I would have to strongly
disagree with your "fantasy in the minds of certain people" theory.
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