[extropy-chat] Gay marriage in Spain, a world of change

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 23 15:30:56 UTC 2005

--- Harvey Newstrom <mail at harveynewstrom.com> wrote:

> On Jul 23, 2005, at 8:18 AM, Brent Neal wrote:
> > Harvey,
> >
> > I think Mike's point is not that it is "not discrimination," but 
> > rather that it doesn't matter whether or not it is because everyone
> > should take his position against government interference in private
> > affairs.
> That would be great.  if the government got out of the marriage 
> business and let any two people contract their own marriages.  When
> he was arguing against gay marriage, I did not hear him also arguing 
> against heterosexual marriage.

Maybe you've been ignoring some of my posts, but I've stated this
several times. This is my position, which I've stated on this list on
quite a number of occasions.

> > However, as to your list of benefits, as long as there is ONE item
> > on that list, there is a problem in our government as far as I'm 
> > concerned.  While I'm all for limited government, I certainly don't
> > believe right way to get there is to encourage "different amounts
> > of government" for different types of people.  Equal opportunity,
> > equal benefit, equal interference. :)
> I agree totally.  This is totally about government interference 
> focussed at creating different classes of citizens of people with 
> different levels of recognition by the state.

Sure, but at the same time, the gay community, in its push for its own
equal recognition, is doing the "we're not with them" with regard to
polyandrists & polygamists in a crass appeal to supporters of
"traditional" monogamist 'family values' and trying desperately to
portray themselves as willing and ready to launch their own nuclear
families in suburban homes with picket fences. This is hypocritical to
their 'equal rights for all' schtick.

The facts don't reflect reality wrt gay use of the institution, either,
such as the fact that the rate of gay marriage/civil unions in areas
that have recognised them for more than a few years is under 10% of the
gay population, and the rate of gay divorce is much higher than the
hetero population. Maybe the gay community needs to relearn what
marriage is about, but this does seem to indicate that it isn't an
institution that fits their demonstrated 'culture'.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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